Page 209 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 209

have two problems: How much can this system remain   Maybe they can buy the same blue jeans. In the end the
         acephalous? The overloading of the network at some   composition will still underline the difference. Where
         point will impose some filtering and discipline, and at this   does the difference lie? In the great filtering of opinion
         point we don’t know what will happen. The Internet is   leaders like Armani or Krizia: they tell how to compose,
         the greatest possibility of abolishing any or every Great   and the informed, cultivated person uses them as
         Brother...                                           advisors, while the uncultivated person invents styles by
         “Big Brother...?”                                    him- or herself. So, once again, you have a sort of total
         Big Brother. But it can in a second step open up the   Internet of fashions - up to a certain level: Timberland for
         possibility for some Big Brothers to occupy the main   both. Everybody can buy a pair of Timberlands. Blue jeans
         lines and the main network. At this point, I do not know.   for both, but one has a small, private network of advisors.
         Secondly: if it remains acephalous, then the abundance   “Advisors, yes. So what you are basically saying then is
         of information will be such that either you have reached   that culture will pervade, even though...”
         such a level of maturity that you are able to be your own   Culture or UNculture. Because the filters also can be
         filter, or you will desperately need a filter...     negative filters. But there will be filters in any case. At
         “Some professional filter?”                          most there will be an exaggeration, an overabundance
         ...some professional filter. So once again you will ask   of negative filters. One of the TV talk-show directors, information be your    or anchor-men here in Italy at the moment -Funari - is
         gatekeeper!                                          providing a model for behavior for a lot of lower-class
         Take the example of a book shop. In the thirties a book   young people. It is a filter: a negative filter, but it is there.
         shop was a small place in which every week there
         were one or two new books. If you went there often
         you knew pretty well how to isolate the interesting new
         items and so on. Now, a book shop like the FNAC in
         Paris, or the Feltrinelli here in Bologna, is an Internet
         in itself: you have everything. Now - an this concerns
         not only the young student, but also myself - if I
         don’t read the cultural pages of the newspapers to
         know what is happening, then I am lost. There’s this
         excess of information. Once again it makes you need a
         “A filter.”                                          UMBERTO ECO, SEMIOTICIAN AND PHILOSOPHER IN CONVERSATION WITH
                                                              PETRU RUSSU, FINE ARTIST. PICTURE CREDIT: MARTA DIMITRESCU
         ...a filter. So this filtration function of certain centres
         of orientation will remain. Take another example: once
         upon a time there was the upper class who had the great   “We have this dream and the vision of the Internet as
         tailors that were telling men, and ladies too, how to dress   something which is very open, and is going to create
         properly. The lower class could only buy ready-made, off   a society without a center, or is going to take part in
         the hook stuff, so it was very easy to distinguish them   the development of societies without centres;a general
         from one another. Then improved distribution made it   global democratization: you don’t really think that that is
         very easy for everybody to begin composing his or her   possible?”
         own dress, we have personalised denims, blue jeans etc.  Eco leans forward in his chair:
         “Composing personal styles, yes.”                    Yes, but once again we are back at the problem of
         And in principle the wife of Mr. Agnelli Rockefeller   decimation. A student of mine who is a devotee of the
         and the young maid from Puerto Rica can go to the    Internet, and he is interested also, not only, but also in
         same store - for instance Bloomingdales - buy the    Peirce, he discovered a Peircean network. So he sent
         same elements and concoct their own style. Now,      messages, he got answers. He started to argue with
         has this eliminated, in the language of fashions, the   somebody. And he said to me: “Oh last night after my
         class-difference? No. The rich lady has some rules for   last message I got an answer from a fellow - let’s call
         composition...                                       him Smith - which seems to me stupid and strange. So I
         “A code?”                                            said: “No, Smith is one of the greatest scholars on Peirce.
         Yes, a code. And the young Puerto-Rican has not.     Probably you don’t know him because he has published
                                                              very little. He is a modest person who works hard at this

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