Page 214 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 214

only metaphysical template for our electronic future, and   desk of tomorrow should absolutely be made up of two
         that sounds rather interesting. Metaphysical template, is   computers. A small clone for writing, and the 486, the
         that some kind of...?”                               great high memory computer to store dictionaries and
         As far as I remember he quoted Goldberg as a         encyclopaedias and books that you need to consult. You
         masterpiece of bricolage. Taking it in isolation in my   can’t do it all with a single computer. If you are writing
         paper without reference to the previous tokens it is   you cannot stop all the time to open the database, to
         rather ununderstandable. No, what I want to stress,   look for the dictionary. Every operation requires a lot
         and what is perhaps important for a kind of magazine   of movements and time. Two computers, and all those
         like this is that there is one kind of discussion item I   shelves...
         consider absolutely irrelevant, and one other kind of   He points demonstratively at all the bookshelves lining
         item I consider mischievous. The irrelevant one is the   the walls:
         discussion on whether the CD-ROM will abolish the book.    ...could disappear.
         Now, that’s stupid, that’s silly.                    “All the reference works?”
         “This was tied in with this idea of ceci tuera cela - “this   All the reference works, yes. It’s less costly. I have
         will kill that?””                                    calculated the price of a wall space, considering the
         Yes. Because as I have repeatedly said, on a camel in the   price of floor space -not in the centre of Milan, not even
         desert you can bring a book not a computer.          at the periphery - the price of these shelves in humble
                                                              materials, not in precious wood. I discovered that every
                                                              stupid book that I receive costs me $100.
                                                              “In space?”
                                                              In space.
                                                              “Not to mention the environmental aspect of course - the
                                                              forests etc.
                                                              Yes, also the forests... I receive an average of 10 free
                                                              books per day. It is costing me much too much.
                                                              At the moment I have an apartment of 500 square
                                                              metres, and I cannot go on moving my home every
                                                              five years in order to store all the books I get. If I could
                                                              eliminate all the encyclopaedias and dictionaries
                                                              etcetera, then that would be fine. And if it would be
                                                              an advantage for me, then it would be an enormous
                                                              advantage for a person living in a small flat. So all the
                                                              reference books can be eliminated. All the rest must
         FOUCAULT’S PENDULUM, WRITTEN IN 1988 AND PUBLISHED IN 1989. PICTURE   The function of the computerised reference book would
                                                              be one of encouraging me to find paper books, and to
                                                              use them as paper books, that’s all. I am very optimistic
         “Well, today you can bring a computer.”
                                                              on this point. I don’t believe that you will buy the new
         Sure, today you can, but it is always easier when you are
                                                              diskette of new poems, if not for reasons of information,
         lying down in a tent with a book, you can do this and
                                                              because you need to have them quickly. The book, even
                                                              with the worst paper in the world, lasts longer than
         Eco takes a newspaper from his desk. He leans back in
                                                              magnetic support systems, at least up until now.
         his chair, draping the open paper over his face.
                                                              The second problem is this utopia of the hypertext,
         You don’t need a plug, and you don’t need an everlasting
                                                              and I explained in my San Marino article the confusion
         battery either. Second, because there are kinds of
                                                              between hyper-systems and hypertext. Hyper-systems
         reading experiences that can only be done with a book. I
                                                              are a great innovation. My CD-ROM is a hyper-system.
         don’t think it’s possible to read Homer on the computer.
                                                              But regarding hypertext: I don’t need magnetic support to
         But books split into two categories: books to be read, and
                                                              recompose Ulysses just as I want. I do it with a book. I do
         books to be consulted. All books made to be consulted
                                                              nothing but that when I read Joyce: changing and moving
         can be substituted by the CD-ROM. The future writing
                                                              and going back. So the idea of a hypertext that I can use

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