Page 216 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 216

been interested up to now to try virtual reality. Because   was able to compose several million poems for the Virgin.
         until it is possible to make love to Marilyn Monroe; until   It’s an old idea, an old utopia.
         the moment that her clothes start floating away - well,   And sometimes this provided real help for invention.
         then at that moment I will try! But as long as it is just   So there is nothing wrong with it, but probably the final
         a sketch of Marilyn Monroe, and I can have the real   effect should be an object that I can move with my mind
         sensation elsewhere, then the state of the art is so   and not with my fingers, otherwise I will lose something.
         primitive that I prefer to wait, that’s all!         “Exactly. So this brings us back again to the kind of
         If you offer me this possibility soon, or better still, if   question of the interface and how do you interact with
         you offer me this possibility when I am 80, I will be   it? It’s a problem I think with computers today that
         enthusiastic about the innovation, and I will become a   they offer another type of experience. Take writing for
         fanatic supporter!                                   example. You write with a pen, you move your hand in a
         “Well, I think I tend to agree with you there. There’s   certain way, have a certain kind of feedback all the time
         still this very basic problem which is one of quality. The   while you are writing. On a computer you are doing it all
         quality of the experience is still very limited, and it is the   by means of keys.”
         technology that limits it...?”                       As a writer I have discovered there are certain kinds
         It doesn’t matter though; I say go with it! But that’s why I   of things for which I still need the pen, there are
                                                              certain things for which I need the computer, certain
                                                              things for which I need a felt-tipped pen. And the kind
                                                              of instrument I am using is influencing my writing
                                                              “The material substance that you operate with”.
                                                              Yes, when I come to think about it, this kind of action...
                                                              Eco picks up his notepad and scribbles on it,
                                                     very important. And this is so new that people have
                                                              not really understood those differences. I don’t know...
                                                              “We have these new pen-based systems now?”
                                                              You have seen my Foucault’s Pendulum. In one of the
                                                              first files, Bellbo says how spiritual it is to invent.
                                                              So, there was a Metropolitan legend that said that my
                                                              novels have been written at the computer, and they
                                                              don’t consider that The Name of the Rose was published
                                                              in 1980, and that the first really good word-processors
                                                              started to come in 1982-83. So it could not have been
                                                              “So it was written on a typewriter, or...?”
                                                              Type-written or hand-written. But for the Pendulum,
         GALLERY.,STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. PICTURE CREDIT: © MARTA DIMITRESCU  since the Pendulum speaks about the computer, the silly
                                                              journalists argue that, well, “Your book was concocted
                                                              by the computer.” And they still believe that you put
         say that at this point I have the impression that it is most   some words there, and zzzaapp: the machine gives you
         interesting for educational and training purposes, rather   the book. One of them said: “Well, it is clear that this is
         than for providing real new aesthetic experiences. Even   computer-written, except one chapter. That one where
         though my friend Nanni Balestrini, one of the poets and   the boy plays the trumpet in the cemetery (the final
         novelists, of the new avant-garde of the sixties made a   chapter). It’s clear that that one is hand-written.” It was
         poem with the computer - mixing it up.               the only chapter of my book that I wrote immediately,
         “A kind of art form - computer art?”                 and without correction at the computer! All the others
         Yes, something like milliard de poeme of Queneau. So   were hand-written!
         those experiences already exist. I have the first edition of   “Put together, yes?”
         Chinosura Lucensis by a 17th century monk who invented   Put together in multiple ways. Why? Because I had in
         a sort of Lullian multiple wheel, by means of which he   mind this final chapter right from the beginning.

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