Page 215 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 215

to recompose 10 different novels is stupid; as stupid as   and composing, but they have nothing to do, according to
         Dungeons and Dragons or this kind of stuff. It can be a   me, with the future of literature.
         game.                                                But maybe I am a dinosaur: I am still living very well by
         Once a man called Saporta invented in France, at the   selling old-fashioned books, and probably I’ll die before
         end of the fifties, a moveable book. The idea was already   the landscape has changed completely. So I remain open
         present in Mallarmé. The idea of the moveable book was   to possible developments of all these perspectives. At
         a sort of great metaphor for the infinity of reading. If you   the present state of the art, if I had to bet all the money
         want, it was a metaphor for deconstruction. OK. Saporta,   I have in my pocket, I would bet more on hyper-systems
         on the contrary, made a book in which you could mix...  more than on hypertext. That’s a personal bet.
         “You mean you could put things into it?”             “Have you looked at any of these hyper-books, like those
          ...mix up the pages, and the story would change.    of Jay Bolter and Michael Joyce? They have made some
         “A kind of loose-leaf book?”                         of these things which are just basically a hypertext
         Yes. OK. If you suspect that even in a CD-ROM the links   system, where you can go in, and there’s a lot of text
         are pre-established by the author, well, even        which you can explore by means of different links.”
         Saporta pre-established the possibilities of the story.  Yes, I have read about them... I have not tried them, and I
         “It’s all a limited universe, yes.”                  know that my position can be the same as of Cremonini,
         Is it not better to read Shakespeare and then to     who was a great professor of logic, metaphysics and
         daydream, dreaming of Hamlet marrying Juliet, and so   astronomy at the time of Gallileo. When they brought to
         the hypertext as a text can only be a game. The hyper-
         system, that is the future. The hypertext can have
         educational purposes: try to mix up things, to find new
         possibilities. OK, but it is not a revolution in literature or
         in poetry.
         “You don’t think so?”
         No, I don’t think so. When you have had what we had the
         paper books, and with Joyce or Mallarmé, you don’t need
         the hypertext in order to have an open-ended reading of
         “You mentioned Dungeons and Dragons. These multi-user
         virtual spaces where people can engage simultaneously
         in dialogue by writing. They can create rooms, they
         can assume character roles, they can interact with
                                                              UMBERTO ECO IN CONVERSATION WITH PETRU RUSSU BRIEFING ON MY
         each other in ways that physical space cannot allow. A   FOUCAULT’S PENDULUM '89 EXHIBITION, INSPIRED BY ECO’S SECOND NOVEL
         colleague of mine, Finn Bostad, told me that some of   FOUCAULT’S PENDULUM, WRITTEN IN 1988 AND PUBLISHED IN 1989. PICTURE
                                                              CREDIT: © MARTA DIMITRESCU
         his students spend many hours in this environment. For
         some, it is like enacting a novel at the same time as you
         are writing it.”                                     him Gallileo’s binocular, he said “I do not want to look
         OK, it’s a nice game.                                inside it, because it could mix up my ideas.”
         “Do you think this might lead to new forms of literature?”  So the poor Cremonini remained as the symbol of
         I have been using a fantastic hypertext for the last 30   academic bigot that refuses to try a new experience.
         years. It is called Scrabble. Isn’t it true that with Scrabble   Then, when you read a serious book on Cremonini,
         you can compose every possible cross-link, every     first you discover that Cremonini was a great mind of
         combination of sentences. It’s a nice game, it can have   this time, even though he was not an innovator like
         educational purposes. Sometimes my wife who is German   Gallileo, and that it isn’t true that he refused to look
         learned part of her English lexicon by playing Scrabble.   into the binocular. He just said: “At the present state of
         Sometimes we play Scrabble in English, or in French. OK,   technology, those lenses are very rudimentary, so I don’t
         but if you are a poet you have your mental Scrabble. You   think that they can really help me to see something more.
         don’t need the board to do it. It is the same I think for all   It was an objection to the present primitive state of the
         those kinds of games. They can be very nice to play. So, I   art. So what I am making now is probably a statement
         repeat: they can be used for training people in inventing   that we are still at a primitive state of the art. I have not

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