Page 217 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 217

And I thought about it for eight years so intensely that   “But it really was a profound experience you thought,
         when I arrived at this point - I remember very well, it   for yourself?”
         was in my apartment in Bologna at 6 o’clock - it was like   Yes, for me, it was really touching, perhaps a little
         playing the piano, like a jazz-musician: I put it all down   narcissistic.
         very easily with the computer, following my mind and   “And perhaps especially since it was a sort of
         only making the corrections underway. It was totally   expression of love, as well, on the part of the people, in
         written at the was just because there was   that they had gone to all the trouble?”
         more inspiration, so to speak.                       Yes, it was an expression of love on their part, but
         People have still these kinds of mythological visions   there was also an atmosphere, because my wife,
         about the machine. And then there is a purposefully   who was with me - and it was not her night - but she
         faked production of mythology. Those who ask you the   was equally impressed and touched by the magic of the
         most naive questions about the computer; just seeing   experience. So for me, it could have been narcissism,
         it as some kind of mysterious machine that invents   but for her it was really the emotion, of having the
         for you, are journalists who are using them every day.   impression of something that happened 60 years ago.
         So they know that it is not true. But when the ask   A kind of being in the past?”
         questions, they try to make them the ones that the most   Yes, it was really beautiful.
         naive reader would make. So there is a kind of play of   “So it is in fact possible to do a simulation which is so


         bad faith, mauvaise fois. So the journalist, who knows   real that it has a profound effect upon the person, by
         exactly that it is not the computer which invents for   means of technology?”
         him or her, is the one who co-operates in the spreading   Certainly, you can enjoy Beethoven on a compact disc
     An Interview with Umberto Eco, by Patrick John Coppock, February 1995
      Patrick John Coppock: Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
         of the Metropolitan legend, the false rumour about the   better than with the 78 disc...and sometimes better
         extraordinary intelligence of the computer.          than in a small theatre with a “medium rare” orchestra.
         “I was thinking about that book that you published just   So I am absolutely... Well, I am a recorder player, and
         recently: Six walks in the Fictional Woods. It was rather   now the Japanese production of plastic recorders has
         nice the last essay you had there. The final bit where you   reached such a level of sophistication that, then you
         were taken into this kind of planetarium...”         can of course still have a top recorder of superior
         Ah, yes, the planetarium.                            quality costing $5,000, made by a top craftsman, but if
         “...where you experienced the moment of your birth.   you compare a good plastic recorder and a normal, old
         Yes, now that’s a kind of virtual reality experience, isn’t   wooden one, the plastic ones keep their sound quality;
         it?”                                                 and they don’t suffer from temperature and humidity.
         Yes, certainly, and it really was computer prepared,   And though perhaps not for a soloist, but certainly
         because only the computer could remake the sky of    for a group or orchestra they can work very well. No
         that evening.                                        objections.

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