Page 74 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 74

Work in progress by Sarah Sze, 2022. © Sarah Sze.
         Photo: Courtesy Sarah Sze Studio

         SARAH SZE:
         Exhibition: Sarah Sze: Timelapse
         Venue: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Avenue,
         New York, Rotunda Level 6, Tower Level 7, Museum Exterior

         SZE’S SITE-SPECIFIC INSTALLATIONS TRANSFORM THE      of the rotunda and the adjacent tower level gallery. The
         ICONIC GUGGENHEIM ARCHITECTURE INTO A TOOL FOR       exhibition explores Sze’s ongoing reflection on how our
         TIMEKEEPING AND A MEDITATION ON THE MULTITUDE OF     experience of time and place is continuously reshaped in
         WAYS THAT WE MARK AND EXPERIENCE THE PASSAGE OF      relationship to the constant stream of objects, images, and
         TIME.                                                information in today’s digitally and materially saturated
         The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum presents a solo     world.
         exhibition of Sarah Sze (b. 1969, Boston) featuring a series of   Sze creates across multiple mediums employing painting,
         site-specific installations by the acclaimed New York–based   sculpture, drawing, printmaking, video, and installation. She
         artist. Sarah Sze: Timelapse unravels a trail of discovery   is well known for her intricate constructions using a myriad
         through multiple spaces of the iconic Frank Lloyd Wright   of both fabricated and found objects and images. Whether
         building, from the exterior of the museum to the sixth level   an intimately scaled sculpture or a large, permanent public

                                                              Work in progress by Sarah Sze, 2022. © Sarah Sze.
                                                              Photo: Courtesy Sarah Sze Studio

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