Page 75 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 75

Work in progress by Sarah Sze, 2022. © Sarah Sze.
         Photo: Courtesy Sarah Sze Studio

         commission, her works possess a generative quality - as   or astronomical clocks around the world - the museum
         though in a cycle of growth and decay - and dynamically   building will become a site to explore the idea of a public
         engage with the spaces they occupy.                  clock, and an experiment in collective timekeeping that all in
                                                              the city can experience.”
         Visitors and passersby will first encounter Sarah Sze:
         Timelapse outside the museum where the presentation   Inside the museum, quiet gestures, such as a single
         spills into the public sphere. At street level an uninterrupted   pendulum hovering above the fountain on the rotunda floor
         flow of images trace the contours of the building’s exterior,   and a small sculptural installation tucked into an interstitial
         while a projection on the rotunda’s circular facade mirrors   space in front of the freight elevator, demonstrate Sze’s
         in real time the cycle of the moon over the course of the   distinct engagement with unexpected spaces. As visitors
         exhibition. In Sze’s reimagination, the Guggenheim’s iconic,   ascend to the sixth, uppermost level of the rotunda, they
         UNESCO World Heritage architecture becomes a public   enter an immersive environment: a panoramic sequence of
         timekeeper in a reminder that timelines are built through   eight bays occupied by a new series of works comprising
         shared experience and memory. In the words of the artist,   painting, sculpture, video, drawing, and sound.
         “Like the collective efforts used by humans over centuries to
         communally mark time, to measure and mark it in physical   These are connected by a river of videos—seen earlier on
         form - ranging from Jantar Mantar, to the Prime Meridian   the building’s street-level façade – which slowly travels
         line, to ubiquitous minarets, clock towers, and animated   up the spiral expanse of the building’s interior, creating a

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