Page 70 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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Nick Cave: Forothermore will be a survey exhibition
        WORLD-CLASS ART                                       it will feature sculpture, installation, video, and rarely
                                                              covering the entire breadth of the artist’s career, and

                                                              seen early works. The title is a neologism, a new
                                                              word that reflects the artist’s lifelong commitment
                                                              to creating space for those who feel marginalized by
         NICK CAVE:
         FOROTHERMORE                                         dominant society and culture - especially working-
                                                              class communities and queer people of color. The
         Exhibition: Nick Cave: Forothermore                  show will both highlight the development of Cave’s
         Venue: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1071 Fifth Avenue,   singular art practice and interrogate the promises,
         New York, Tower Levels 2, 4, & 5, and Thannhauser Gallery 4  fulfilled or broken, that the late 20th and early 21st
                                                              centuries offered to the “other.”

                                                              Installed in the museum’s tower galleries, the survey’s
         IN HONOR OF CAVE’S DESIRE TO GIVE ACCESS TO THE      thematic sections are titled “What It Was,” “What It
         BROADEST AUDIENCE, THE OPENING WEEKEND OF NICK       Is,” and “What It Shall Be”, inspired by an old African
         CAVE: FOROTHERMORE WILL BE FREE TO THE PUBLIC,       American greeting. The exhibition will unfold as a
         THANKS IN PART TO SUPPORT BY FORD FOUNDATION.        tripartite story, with each chapter looking into the
         Nick Cave (b. 1959, Fulton, Missouri) has become     past, present, and future of Cave’s practice. “What It
         internationally celebrated for his elaborate         Was” will explore early works that honor the artist’s
         installations and textile works, including his iconic   creative and social foundations within his family and
         Soundsuits, which blend sculpture, costume design,   beyond. Living and working in Chicago, Cave often
         and instrument-making.

                                                              Installation view, Nick Cave: Forothermore, Solomon R. Guggenheim
                                                              Museum, November 18, 2022–April 10, 2023. Photo: Midge Wattles. ©
                                                              Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York

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