Page 68 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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         Jennie C. Jones, Red Tone Burst #2, 2021. Architectural felt panel and acrylic   Installation view, Jennie C. Jones: Dynamics, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, .
         on canvas, 77.5 × 76.2 × 6.3 cm. © Jennie C. Jones, courtesy Alexander Gray   Photo: David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 2022.
         Associates, New York, and PATRON Gallery, Chicago
                                                              Jennie C. Jones, Split Bar, End Note, 2021. Acoustic panel and acrylic on canvas,
                                                              diptych, 121.9 × 91.4 × 8.9 cm each. © Jennie C. Jones, courtesy the artist;
                                                              Alexander Gray Associates, New York; Paron Gallery, Chicago.
         Jennie C. Jones lives and works in Hudson, New York.   Williamstown, MA (2020); Riffs and Relations: African
         Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1968, the artist received a   American Artists and the European Modernist
         BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in   Tradition, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC
         1991, an MFA from Rutgers University’s Mason Gross   (2020); The Shape of Shape, The Museum of Modern
         School of the Arts in 1996 and attended Skowhegan    Art, New York (2019); Magnetic Fields: Expanding
         School of Painting and Sculpture in 1996. Jones has   American Abstraction, 1960s to Today, Kemper
         had solo exhibitions at The Arts Club of Chicago     Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City (2017);
         (2020); Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (2016);     and The Freedom Principle: Experiments in Art and
         The Kitchen, New York (2013); Hirshhorn Museum       Music, 1965 to Now, Museum of Contemporary Art,
         and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution,       Chicago (2015). Jones is the recipient of several
         Washington, DC (2013); and Atlanta Contemporary      residencies, grants, and fellowships, including the
         Art Center (2009), among others. Her work has        Rose Art Museum’s Ruth Ann and Nathan Perlmutter
         been shown in recent group exhibitions, including    Artist-in-Residence Award (2017); The Foundation for
         Prospect.5: Yesterday we said tomorrow, New Orleans   Contemporary Arts’s Rauschenberg Award (2016);
         (2021); Grief and Grievance: Art and Mourning in     Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant (2013); The Studio
         America, New Museum, New York (2021); Ground/        Museum in Harlem’s Joyce Alexander Wein Artist
         work, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute,     Prize (2012); and William H. Johnson Prize (2008).

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