Page 67 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 67

Installation view, Jennie C. Jones: Dynamics, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
         February 4, 2021–May 2, 2022. Photo: David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim
         Foundation, 2022.

         Black sonic practitioners who negotiated twentieth-
         century social experience with compositions that could
         be powerfully expressive in their embrace of opacity.
         Far more than “viewers,” visitors to the museum are
         encouraged to experience the social and physical
         dynamics of perception as they explore Jones’s works on
         the first two levels of the Guggenheim rotunda, as well as
         a sound installation on the sixth level.

         Installed alongside Vasily Kandinsky: Around the Circle,
         Jennie C. Jones: Dynamics invites a surprising dialogue
         between the two artists for whom music is central to the
         composition of their respective works. The synesthetic
         experience of encountering Jones’s art mirrors       Jennie C. Jones, Fractured Extension/Broken Time, 2021 (detail).  Acoustic
         Kandinsky’s own spiritual belief in art at the intersection   absorber panel, architectural felt, and acrylic on canvas in two parts, 121.9 ×
                                                              121.9 × 7.6 cm each. © Jennie C. Jones, courtesy Alexander Gray Associates,
         of sight and sound.                                  New York, and PATRON Gallery, Chicago

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