Page 15 - World of Art magazine (2000)
P. 15

B ÉL a

          c Z i t ro M

                                              dEmon i
                               1999 bronzE and Gr anitE
                                       h 40 cm, 15¾  in

         didn’t accept. I think the artist doesn’t need to
         try to make understanding his / her art the
         easiest possible, but instead the viewer must
         raise him- or herself from his / her con-
         ventional level. I’m grateful for how rich the
         source of my inspiration is, but besides
         working I also feel the need for more social life
         which I haven’t had so much of since I left
         Romania. The feeling of insecurity that I used
         to have before only has increased since I
         arrived here because of the darkness, the
         coldness and the lack of communication.
          I’m interested in exploring the human soul,
         especially the dark side of it. I feel that the
         deeper I dig in it, the more gold I find. I want
         to bring out into the light the secret, hidden
         parts of the mind; the parts that people often
         try to avoid looking at. I believe, however, that
         the universe is made of a kind of an absolute
         equilibrium: if there exists darkness, there
         must be light, too.
          Now, on the threshold of the new millennium
         I have made in my working a move from the
         bidimensional to the tridimensional, and I also
         feel having made qualificational progress as
         well. For me, all this means a revolution and a
         beginning of a new period in my working.
         Perhaps these changes also have happened
         partly because of an experience I’ve had to
         come through this autumn: the authorities of
         the city destroyed a sculptural garden I had
         constructed earlier. Little by little I’ve come
         over of this stupidness of people. Also the
         impression of myself as a part of the universal
         art has lately become stronger, and this is                                                              bela czitrom, laitainen st. 2c 11, sF-20900 turku, Finland tel+358 405664186 e-mail: belaczit@
         something that any adversities can’t wipe off.
          The thematic of Dante Alighieri’s Ulysses
         have always interested me. Ulysses wanted to
         get to know the world and in spite of all the
         misfortunes he had he preferred to continue
         from returning home to his Penelope, as he
         knew this was destined to him. He went and
         passed the Pillars of Hercules although he knew
         this would lead him to his death. Like Ulysses I
         want to follow my own destiny. Even if it were
         possible to change the way of my life easier and
         happier I wouldn’t do that, as I feel this destiny
         of mine is my ”goldmine”. Though it can be
         difficult, even frightening, I want to collect
         these experiences, explore life, and then return
         all I’ve found back to the world, passed
         through my own personality.                            ART ADDICTION
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