Page 27 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 27
PAolo BArAttA is the President oF the Biennale di venezia
addRess of which opens the way to more costing 4.5 billion lire, this three-
long-term planning in these three year project will involve the
sectors. reclassification of the collections
PaoLo BaRatta The Biennale di Venezia is and extensive digitalization.
also establishing an increasing In the meantime, the collection
number of agreements with other continues to grow, accumulating
n 9 June the 49th institutions (universities, material relating to all the various
International foundations, etc.) and of co activities of the Biennale di Venezia 49. biennale di Venezia
OExhibition of Visual production agreements with - an accumulation in which the
Arts of the Biennale opens its artistic bodies and theatres. Biennale offices have been assisted
doors under the direction of Extended planning capacity is also by Tele+ (Cinema) and RaiSat
Harald Szeemann, who takes this essential if we are to promote (other Sections).
year’s show as a further new links with the public and Communication with the public
development upon the 48th establish new forms of dialogue is also changing. The website in
Exhibition of 1999. with potential sponsors. Dialogues particular has grown very quickly;
I would like to take this are currently in progress with and now one can see it becoming
opportunity to tell you that 2001 important bodies both in Italy and an important portal for a whole
is a year of key importance in abroad. range of activities in the arts.
the realization of the strategic Where possible, the Biennale di These organizational
objectives the new Biennale di Venezia has also worked to create developments have been the basis
Venezia has set itself, both at an new well-equipped structures and for further developments within
organizational and artistic level. spaces to serve as both exhibition the interdisciplinary work of the
As far as the former is and theatre facilities. In 2001 it is Biennale itself. The term
concerned, there has been an envisaged that a further 6-7 “interdisciplinary” is not in our
extension of planning capacity, billion lire (2 million pounds) case a fashionable catchphrase; it
which is indispensable if the will be invested in the Arsenale refers to the fact that overlapping
Biennale di Venezia is to play an restoration -primarily in providing areas of interest emerge as each
active role in its various fields better facilities for the performance of various Sections of the Biennale
of activity, and at the same time and exhibition spaces created by works in its own specific field
develop closer links with external the restoration of two years ago. (whether collecting and exhibiting
organizations and bodies. 2001 is also the year of the the works of others, or producing
A significant move in this area starting of the first part of the works “in house”). It is significant
has been the creation of a single special project involving ASAC here that the first multi-sectorial
unit for Dance, Music and Theatre, (our important Archive collection), project of 2001 - “Shakespeare