Page 28 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 28
& Shakespeare” -grew up will be said about the
around an original Biennale Cinema Section in the
co production of “Othello” traditional press conference
by E. Nekrosius, which took to be held on 27 July.
a full two years to bring to With regard to the Visual
completion. Arts, the priority was to
49. biennale di Venezia
The individual Sections expand and develop - in
are developing in their own terms of space and quality.
fields according to their own Only in this way could the
priorities; and as they do Biennale di Venezia retain
so they provide concrete its primacy amongst all the
demonstration of the specific various other “Biennales”
role that may be played by and international art shows
the Biennale di Venezia. that are scattered around
So, whilst before, the the world. The main thing
Dance, Music and Theatre was to develop exhibition
Sections used to host works facilities in recognizable
from outside, their various venues which would be an
programs now reveal the expression of the Biennale’s
increasing presence of identity -venues that would
in-house workshops, new serve not just for one
productions and newly- exhibition but for years
commissioned works - all to come. This was done
of which show a direct undertaking directly works
involvement in the process of of restoration in the Venice
artistic creation. Arsenale. This is all the
It includes, among more important in a period
numerous premieres, 12 new when the Exhibition is
creations in which the expected not simply to
Biennale plays a direct role analyze or confirm the status
as a producer (in many cases of particular artistic schools
these in-house creations are or movements, but rather
a development upon ideas to capture the breadth and
or works from previous diversity of all the various
Biennale events). artistic personalities at work
As far as Cinema was in the different parts of the
concerned, the priority world (and the links between
seemed to be the re-launch these personalities and the
of a reorganized Film recent past). The Biennale
Festival, which would then is now called upon to
make it possible to think of cast light on what the artists
further additional initiatives of today are concerned with,
or projects. Here again, their interests, tensions and
within the limits of what was gestures. This means
possible, we have worked representing (without
to improve facilities whilst hierarchical classification)
waiting for the promised the “other truth” of art -
building work that will make a truth without which any
significant changes to the understanding of our age is
Palazzo del Cinema. More incomplete.