Page 30 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 30

During the last two years,   as a work for exhibition.
                   the flat wide spaces of         These new extended spaces
                   the Padiglione Italia were    offer the different Section
                   supplemented by the more      Directors more -and more
                   strongly -modeled spaces of   varied -opportunities, which
                   the Arsenale, where the       they have taken up readily.
                   character of late-sixteenth-  Szeemann has taken this
         49. biennale di Venezia
                   century Venetian architecture   expansion as the basis for
                   is a dominant presence. This   both his 1999 dAPERTutto
                   year, the work on the Tese    and this year’s Plateau of
                   delle Vergini will add two    Mankind; one would hardly
                   new spaces to the so-called   have expected less from a
                   Gaggiandre, a sort of camera   Curator whose character and
                   obscura, and will give access   cultural background make
                   to the Giardino delle Vergini,   him much more interested
                   which is now just an          in discovering the artists of
                   impassable mass of thorn      the world “at work” than
                   bushes but by June will       in allocating them a place
                   be open to the public. In     within some sort of critical
                   September this will be also   classification. Szeemann
                   the site of a theatrical      himself will explain the links
                   production.                   and connections between the
                      This new dimension gives   works exhibited and the
                   new importance also to the    spatial conditions in which
                   presence of the various       they are organized - and how
                   national pavilions, which this   that organization itself can
                   year will exhibit some 230    reveal trends and patterns.
                   works to go alongside the     My job here was to give
                   approximately 110 in the      a brief description links
                   main exhibition (national     between this event and the
                   participation at this year’s   other developments within
                   Exhibition can be broken      the Biennale di Venezia -be
                   down in this way: 31          they organizational,
                   countries with their own      structural or artistic- and at
                   pavilion; 19 without a        the same time outline the
                   pavilion; the Istituto        overall plan of which they
                   Italo-Latino Americano        are all a coherent part. That
                   representing some 15          plan is gradually producing
                   nations; two other cultural   new and numerous results
                   institutions). In effect, no   thanks to the work of many
                   other Exhibition has had      highly-talented people: full   paolo baraTTa is The PResident of the Biennale di Venezia
                   so many different nations     -time staff, short-term staff,
                   participating.                outside collaborators,
                      The 49th Visual Arts       companies, artists and
                   Exhibition will also bring    artistes. I would like to
                   together various film         thank all of them for the
                   directors, who have been      incredible enthusiasm that
                   invited to produce a work     they dedicate to that
                   related to it. At the same    extraordinary undertaking,
                   time, poetry will be presented   the Biennale di Venezia.

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