Page 32 - The Venice Biennale 2001 issue of World of Art Magazine
P. 32
49. biennale di veneZiA exhiBition Venues
the coRdeRie
49. biennale di Venezia
The corderie
notes on the exhibition venues after designs by antonio da Ponte. once the place where the ropes and hawsers for the Venetian fleet
aligned on the south side of the arsenale, this was built in 1303 and then restructured between 1579 and 1585
were produced, the entire building is covered by a wooden tie-beam roof measuring some 316 meters
in length, 21 metres in width and 9.7 meters in height. t he structure is divided into three aisles,
with a loft running above the two side aisles at a height of seven meters. all in all, there are 6,400
square meters of exhibition space.
30 woRLd of aRt