Page 21 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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Both the numbers of exhibition viewers and the mass   Seguros Bilbao that turned Frank Gehry’s Atrium into the
         attendance of events for the general public are proof   landscape for a sensory journey through the history of
         that the Museum is in good health and remains a major   the Museum and the city of Bilbao. Celebrations, however,
         attraction after 25 years. After a semester of gradual   went on throughout the year. A full program of events was
         recovery after the pandemic, the Museum had its best   designed to bring concerts and performances to more
         summer in its history, hitting record-high numbers of   than 13,000 people, including the performance of Gabriel
         visitors in August and September. With 1,289,147 visitors   Erkoreka’s Hamar (a piece composed for the Museum’s
         throughout the year, 2022 was the third best year after   10th anniversary) in April; the concert The World’s a
         2017 (20th anniversary) and 1998 (first year in operation,   Museum in May - a tale by Basque writer Kirmen Uribe
         with wide media coverage). This figure attests to the   set to music by the Bilbao Choral Society and the Euskadi
         Museum’s sustained success, its function as a driving   Brass ensemble; the Concert for Two Anniversaries by
         force at the regional level, and its resilience in the face   the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra (BOS), which celebrated
         of adversity. The special program of activities organized   its 100th anniversary, and the open-air show Symfeuny
         to celebrate the Museum’s anniversary reached out    by the street theater company Deabru Beltzak, which
         to a high number of visitors. In December, more than   gathered 4000 people on the Museum’s forecourt, in
         50,000 people enjoyed Immersions, a show sponsored by   June; the performance of Francisco Escudero’s Symphony

                                                              Yves Klein (Nice, 1928 – Paris, 1962). Fire Fountain, 1961 (manufactured
                                                              in 1997) Fire. Site-specific dimensions, Guggenheim Bilbao Museum. ©
                                                              Guggenheim Bilbao Museum

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