Page 23 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 23

As it turns 25, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is an
                                                              institution now consolidated as an international referent
                                                              in the field of art and culture, and has become the icon
                                                              of a city that had already accumulated seven centuries
                                                              of fascinating history. Also profoundly linked to Bizkaia,
                                                              the territory where the Museum is located, and closely
         SECTIONS / INTERSECTIONS                             involved with its development and social cohesion, BBK
         25 YEARS OF THE                                      has determined to join in the celebration of this 25th
         COLLECTION OF THE                                    Anniversary as the sponsor of its main exhibition, Sections/
         GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM                                    Intersections: 25 Years of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
         BILBAO                                               Collection, which highlights the works collected over these

         Exhibition: Sections / Intersections 25 Years of the Collection   years.
         of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Curated by: Lekha   We share many of the Museum’s values, such as a
         Hileman Waitoller, Manuel Cirauqui, Geaninne Gutiérrez-   commitment to society, culture, and citizen welfare, and we
         Guimarães, Lucía Agirre and Maite Borjabad, Guggenheim   feel very close to it in our role as harbingers of the radical
         Museum Bilbao. Sponsored by: BBK. Venue: Guggenheim   innovation in the socio‐cultural field that has taken place in
         Museum Bilbao.                                       Bizkaia in recent decades, particularly in matters regarding
                                                              the creation and diffusion of knowledge, the fostering of
                                                              talent, the integration and recognition of all individuals,
         THE GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM BILBAO IS CELEBRATING ITS      and the due valuation of effort and teamwork.
         25TH ANNIVERSARY WITH AN AMBITIOUS PRESENTATION OF   Over these 25 years, the Museum has significantly enriched
         WORKS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION THAT UNFOLDS     Bilbao with its aesthetic and patrimonial contribution, and
         THROUGHOUT THE GALLERIES MUSEUM-WIDE.                has brought a formidable artistic and cultural dynamism
                                                              to the city. At the same time, it has helped to increase the
         Sol LeWitt. Wall Drawing #831 (Geometric Forms), 1997 Acrylic on wall
         Site-specific dimensions. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
         © Sol LeWitt, Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa, Bilbao, 2022

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