Page 24 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 24

WORLD-CLASS ART accessibility and dissemination of art, making it possible
         for new gazes to be cast on the contemporary world from
         perspectives whose discovery is an enrichment. In this
         way, it has also enabled many people to draw closer to
         a wide variety of artistic works, proposals, and visions,
         and to explore their significances. We fully agree with
         the inclusive focus that characterizes the Museum and
         aim to collaborate in promoting it, allowing an ever larger
         public to share in aesthetic enjoyment, cultural activity,

                                                              Asier Mendizabal, Nom de guerre, 2007 Concrete, metal, and ethanol combustion
                                                              Burner: 56 x 80 x 38 cm. Dimensions variable. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. ©
                                                              Asier Mendizabal, Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa, Bilbao, 2022

                                                              and debates on the most urgent issues on the basis of the
                                                              reflection that modern and contemporary artworks often
                                                              inspire on key topics of our time.
                                                              The connection between the local and the international,
                                                              the synergies between art and the different spheres of
                                                              human activity, and the interaction between cultural
                                                              production and other areas of the economy are other
                                                              important dialogues that have been stimulated by the
                                                              existence of the Museum and its original integration
                                                              in a wider process of industrial regeneration. The
                                                              transformation begun by Bilbao in the late 1990s, which
                                                              very soon became an international economic and
                                                              urbanistic model, continues its unceasing evolution
                                                              today, oriented toward a future where art and culture will
                                                              continue to play an outstanding role. For its part, BBK will
                                                              continue to support this progress, contributing to a greater
                                                              knowledge, understanding, and diffusion of contemporary
                                                              art among all people, and always strengthening the
                                                              unceasing sociocultural development of Bizkaia.
                                                                                    Xabier Sagredo, Chairman of BBK
         Yoko Ono, Hichiko Happo, 2014 Sumi ink on nine canvases 200 x 100 cm each
         canvas, 200 x 900 cm overall. Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa. Gift of the artist. ©
         Yoko Ono, Bilbao, 2022

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