Page 22 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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WORLD-CLASS ART No. 3 (Mythological Symphony) in September; the
         Museum performance and the street dance and
         music interventions across Bilbao of The Missing
         Element, as well as the action conducted by Cecilia
         Bengolea with Museum Members, in October; Joaquín
         Achúcarro’s piano concert in November; and the event
         for “Guggenheim Generation” youths in December. In
         addition, the exhibition of the Basque Artist Program,
         jointly launched in 2015 by the Guggenheim Museum
         Bilbao and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in
         New York, welcomed 370,000 visitors. It showed works
         by the ten artists who participated in the program’s
         five editions so far.
                                                              Panoramic view of the of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Spain. ©
         The Museum also hosted several exhibitions that      Guggenheim Bilbao Museum
         showcased its diverse and innovative artistic vision.
         Some of the highlights were The Art of Our Time, a
                                                              The Museum also continued its commitment to
         selection of works from both museums’ collections
                                                              education and social inclusion through various
         that explored themes such as identity, globalization,
                                                              programs and initiatives. It offered guided tours,
         technology, and ecology; The Matter of Time, a
                                                              workshops, lectures, courses, and seminars for
         monumental installation by Richard Serra that
                                                              different groups and ages, reaching more than 100,000
         celebrated its 15th anniversary; The Roaring Twenties,
                                                              participants. It also collaborated with local institutions
         a retrospective of European art and culture during
                                                              and organizations to promote cultural diversity,
         a decade of social and political transformation; The
                                                              accessibility, sustainability, and social justice. Some
         Luminous Interval, a survey of contemporary Greek
                                                              examples were Art for All, a program that provided
         art that reflected on the country’s recent history and
                                                              free admission to people with low income or at risk
         current challenges; and The Sound of Silence, a solo
                                                              of social exclusion; Art for Change, a program that
         exhibition by Anish Kapoor that featured his iconic
                                                              supported artistic projects with a social impact; Art
         sculptures and installations that challenged perception
                                                              for Nature, a program that raised awareness about
         and space. These exhibitions attracted more than
                                                              environmental issues and encouraged ecological
         900,000 visitors combined and received positive
                                                              practices; and Art for Peace, a program that
         reviews from critics and audiences alike.
                                                              fostered dialogue and reconciliation among different
         Jeff Koons (York, Pensilvania, 1955). Tulipes, 1995-2004 High chromium
         stainless steel with transparent color coating 203 x 460 x 520 cm. Version
         4/5. © Guggenheim Bilbao Museum                      With these achievements and challenges, the Museum
                                                              looks forward to celebrating its next 25 years with
                                                              enthusiasm and optimism. It hopes to continue being
                                                              a reference point for contemporary art and culture in
                                                              Bilbao, in Spain, and in the world.

                                                              Jeff Koons. Tulips, 1995–2004, High chromium stainless steel with
                                                              transparent color coating, 203 x 460 x 520 cm. Guggenheim Bilbao
                                                              Museoa. © Jeff Koons, Bilbao, 2022

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