Page 40 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
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for Miró, who proposed returning to the dawn of
        WORLD-CLASS ART                                       Admired for his formal innovations developed in
                                                              art in order to retrieve its original spiritual sense.

                                                              the context of the first avant-garde movements,
                                                              especially Dadaism and Surrealism, Miró is also
                                                              considered a precursor of Abstract Expressionism
         JOAN MIRÓ:
         ABSOLUTE REALITY, PARIS,                             and Conceptual Art.
                                                              The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presents Joan Miró:
         1920–1945                                            Absolute Reality. Paris, 1920–1945, an exhibition
         Exhibitions: Joan Miró. Absolute Reality. Paris, 1920–1945   that explores the career between the years 1920
         Curator: Enrique Juncosa. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao  and 1945 of one of the most outstanding artists
                                                              of the 20th century. The start of this fundamental
                                                              period in Miró’s oeuvre is marked by the date of his
         IN THE 25 YEARS OF ACTIVITY COVERED BY THE           first trip to Paris, a key city in his life and work, and
         EXHIBITION, THERE IS A CONSTANT FLOW OF NEW IDEAS    it closes with the year when Miró, after producing
         RANGING FROM HIS INITIAL MAGIC REALISM TO HIS        his Constellations (1940–41) and then hardly
         LANGUAGE OF CONSTELLATED SIGNS.                      painting at all for some years, created a great series
         In this development, it becomes clear that           of works on white backgrounds that consolidated
         prehistoric art, including rock paintings,           his language of signs floating on ambiguous
         petroglyphs, and statuettes, held a special interest   grounds.

                                                              Joan Miró. Painting-Poem (A Star Caresses the Breast of a Negress) [Peinture-
                                                              poème (Une étoile caresse le sein d'une négresse)], 1938 Oil on canvas 129.5 x
                                                              194.3 cm. Tate: Purchased 1983. © Successió Miró, 2023. Photo © Tate/Tate Images

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