Page 43 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 43

The exhibition is divided into six thematic sections
         that explore different aspects of Miró’s work: The
         Magic Realism of Paris; The Surrealist Revolution;
         The Poetic Object; The Constellations; The War
         Years; and The White Grounds. Each section
         presents a selection of works that illustrate Miró’s
         evolution from his early figurative paintings
         influenced by Fauvism and Cubism to his abstract
         compositions full of symbolic elements and
         biomorphic forms. The exhibition also showcases
         some of Miró’s collaborations with poets, writers,
         and musicians, such as André Breton, Paul Éluard,
         Tristan Tzara, René Char, Robert Desnos, Jacques
         Prévert, Benjamin Péret, Max Ernst, Joan Brossa,
         Josep Lluís Sert, and Edgar Varèse.
         The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to
         discover or rediscover one of the most influential
         artists of modern art and to appreciate his
         contribution to the development of contemporary
         art. It also invites visitors to immerse themselves in
         Miró’s rich and imaginative world, where reality and
         fantasy merge in a poetic vision that celebrates life
         and creativity.

         Joan Miró. Woman and Bird in the Night (Femme et oiseau dans la nuit), 1945 Oil
         on canvas 146 x 114 cm. Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Long-term loan from   Joan Miró. Painting (Personnage: The Fratellini Brothers) [Peinture (Personnages:
         private collection. © Successió Miró, 2023           Les Frères Fratellini)], 1927 Oil on canvas 130 x 97.5 cm. Fondation Beyeler,
                                                              Riehen/Basel, Sammlung Beyeler. © Successió Miró, 2023. Photo © Robert Bayer
                                                              Joan Miró. Painting (The Sun) [Peinture (Le Soleil)], 1927 Oil on canvas 38.3 x
                                                              46.2 cm. Courtesy The David & Ezra Nahmad Collection. © Successió Miró, 2023

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