Page 46 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 46

In 1943, Guggenheim commissioned the renowned
                                                              architect Frank Lloyd Wright to design a permanent
                                                              home for his museum on Fifth Avenue between 88th
                                                              and 89th Streets on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
         THE SOLOMON R.                                       Wright’s design was a radical departure from the
         GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM IN                                 conventional rectangular box of most museums. He
         NEW YORK CITY AND THE                                conceived a spiral-shaped building that would allow
         SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM                                visitors to experience the artworks in a continuous
         FOUNDATION                                           flow along a ramp that ascended from the ground
                                                              floor to the top. Wright also designed a large skylight
                                                              that would illuminate the interior with natural light.
         THE SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM IN NEW YORK         Wright’s vision was to create a “temple of the spirit”
         CITY IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS AND INFLUENTIAL       that would harmonize with the art and the city.
         IN THE WORLD. IT WAS FOUNDED IN 1937 BY THE          However, Wright’s design faced many challenges and
         AMERICAN BUSINESSMAN AND ART COLLECTOR               controversies during its construction. It took 16 years
         SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM, WHO WANTED TO SHARE           to complete, from 1943 to 1959, and it cost more than
         HIS PASSION FOR NON-OBJECTIVE ART, A FORM OF         $3 million, which was twice the original budget. Wright
         ABSTRACT ART THAT DOES NOT REPRESENT ANY             had to deal with numerous technical difficulties, such
         RECOGNIZABLE OBJECTS OR SCENES, WITH THE PUBLIC.     as structural stability, fire safety, climate control, and
         THE MUSEUM WAS ORIGINALLY CALLED THE MUSEUM          lighting. He also had to overcome the opposition of
         OF NON-OBJECTIVE PAINTING AND WAS LOCATED IN A       some critics, neighbors, and city officials, who disliked
         RENTED SPACE ON EAST 54TH STREET. THE MUSEUM’S       his unconventional style and accused him of violating
         FIRST DIRECTOR WAS HILLA VON REBAY, A GERMAN         the city’s building codes and zoning regulations.
         ARTIST AND CURATOR WHO INTRODUCED GUGGENHEIM         Wright defended his design as an expression of
         TO NON-OBJECTIVE ART AND HELPED HIM BUILD HIS        organic architecture, which was inspired by nature and
         COLLECTION.                                          human needs.
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