Page 42 - World of Art Contemporary Art magazine: The 2023 Guggenheim issue
P. 42

Joan Miró. Landscape (The Hare) [Paysage (Le Lièvre)], Fall, 1927 Oil on canvas
                                                              129.6  ×  194.6  cm.  Solomon  R.  Guggenheim  Museum,  New  York  57.1459.  ©
                                                              Successió Miró, 2023

         Joan Miró. Painting (Birds) [Peinture (Oiseaux)], 1927 Oil on canvas 130 x 97 cm.
         Courtesy The David & Ezra Nahmad Collection. © Successió Miró, 2023

         Joan Miró. Woman and Birds (Femme et oiseaux), 1940 Gouache and oil on paper
         38 x 46 cm. Courtesy The David & Ezra Nahmad Collection. © Successió Miró, 2023

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